‘Salt’ That You Didn’t Know About it’s Benefits

Salt does more than just make a good dish. It is a very good medicine for cleansing and health. Here are some suggestions on how to use salt properly.

(1) Pigeons can be removed

When digging pots or pans. Just add a pinch of salt to the dishwashing liquid and scrub the pigeons stuck to the pots, even if they have been used for a Fri time.

(2) It cleans the stem

When it starts to turn black after a Fri time, just salt it and rub it with a slice of lemon to clean it like new.

(3) It removes stains on glass

Yellow stains and stains on the glass can be mixed with a little salt and water, rinsed and washed with soap and water.

(4) It can remove facial jealousy

Take a pinch of salt, mix it with butter (1 to 2) and rub it on your face gently. After 5 minutes, rinse your face thoroughly.

(5) It protects the cheese from mold

Dissolve the salt in water to prevent the mold from growing on the cheese and apply it on the outside of the cheese to prevent mold.

(6) It cleans the tiles

Add salt to the soap and wash the tiles to give them a fresh shine.

(7) Feet can get wet

Add a pinch of salt to the boiling water and soak your feet until the water cools. It relaxes all the muscles and relieves nausea.

8. It removes coffee grounds

The remaining coffee grounds in the ceramic cups are mixed with salt and vinegar and poured into the cups and rinsed for about an hour. It brightens coffee and tea.

9. It relieves the bitterness of coffee

When coffee is very bitter, add a pinch of salt to reduce the bitterness.

10. It whitens white clothes

When washing white clothes, add a little salt to make it white and shiny.

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