Anything can be overdose. But wine! Even intoxicating beverages, such as beer, can have significant health benefits if consumed in moderation. Here are some of the health benefits of drinking wine today.
1. It can prevent cancer
Wine contains resveratrol, a polyphenol (a plant-derived chemical) that can act as an antioxidant. In other words, it can protect the cells in the body from injury and fight chronic diseases. Drinking wine in particular can help prevent colon and lung cancers.
2. It can fight memory loss
According to a recent study, resveratrol, a chemical found in red grapes and wine, may help prevent age-related memory loss.
3. It can prevent heart and cardiovascular diseases
According to the findings in the journal Nature, drinking wine can help fight off a chemical called endothelin-1. It is a protein that can cause fat to stick to the walls of blood vessels. When fat builds up on the walls of blood vessels, it can cause narrowing of the arteries. Drinking wine can help prevent these symptoms.
4. It can fight inflammation
The phenols found in wine prevent the formation of blood cells in the bloodstream, which can lead to atherosclerosis. In addition, wine also helps to reduce inflammation by diluting the blood.
5. It can prevent the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
The resveratrol in wine can act as a nerve agent and reduce the quality of blood cells that can cause Alzheimer’s disease. However, it also helps fight the nervous breakdowns that occur with age.
6. It can prevent diabetes
Oxidative stree is a reaction in the cells that reacts with oxygen in the body. This process can also cause high blood sugar, which can lead to diabetes. Drinking wine can also reduce the symptoms of diabetes in diabetics.
7. It does not cause osteoporosis
The silicon in wine can increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis in women. Wine can also provide estrogen, a hormone used in hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women.
8. It lowers blood pressure
Provinol, a substance found in wine, fights high blood pressure caused by nitric oxide.
9. It protects against stones
According to a study conducted at Harvard Medical School, regular drinking of a glass of wine a day can help prevent gallstones. Drinking small amounts of wine can reduce the risk of gallstones and gallstones.