How to grow herbal tea that can be easily grown at home

Herbal tea is grown and consumed at home. It’s a great way to make your home more inviting with plants and drink healthy herbal teas using home-grown plants. So here’s an easy way to grow herbal teas that you can easily grow at home.


shutterstock / George Dolgikh

The fragrant flowers and chamomile plants are also delicious when consumed as an herbal tea. First, the chamomile seeds need to be pruned in a well-lit room. Sow chamomile seeds in the sand and cover with sand. It will sprout in seven to fourteen days. Once the seedlings have sprouted, place them in a cool, well-watered place. These plants do not like much water and do not need much watering.


shutterstock / SiNeeKan

Basil plants should be planted outside in a well-ventilated container with a perforated container. You can grow seedlings or seeds. When planting, it should be planted in moist soil and watered regularly without much watering.


shutterstock / HelloRF Zcool

This feverfew plant should be planted in a well-lit place. This plant prefers dry soil and the seeds should be planted in a well-lit house. When the plants grow, they should be planted in a sunny place and do not need much watering. These herbal teas have many health benefits.

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